We are back with the hands-on holiday programs!
Choose from learning to code a Micro: Bit and light up an LED strip or take part in our free scratch coding competition.
A hands-on school holiday program where students will learn the fundamentals of micro: controllers and coding using the mighty microcontroller – the Micro: Bit. The program will start with the introduction of Micro: Bit hardware including its programmable LEDs, sensors, microphone, speakers, and ports. Students will learn to code and interact with the Micro: Bit including some of its sensors. Students will then be able to connect and code rainbow LED lights using crocodile clips. The program is free with the use of $100 Creative Kids voucher and you keep all the bits and pieces for endless projects.
FREE Scratch Coding Holiday Program & Competition
Join us for free and be creative these school holidays. We teach you the basics of coding if you are new and get you started. Experienced students will be challenged to showcase their skills. There are exciting prizes to be won.